Get honest feedback from employees

Hear what employees REALLY want to say when their identity is protected.

TruVoice Solution

Free Feature

FREE Anonymous Emails

Want to voice your opinion but remain anonymous? You can send an anonymous email to your employer! This is a completely FREE service, available to everyone.

No signup. No hassle. Only anonymous emails for FREE.

Send FREE Anonymous Email

Premium Feature

Anonymous Conversations

By ensuring anonymity, Truvoice empowers individuals to contribute their honest opinions and ideas without the fear of repercussions or judgment from the management.

Anonymous conversations allow employees to communicate with the management while their identity remains protected.

Try Demo

Premium Feature

Anonymous Bulletin Boards

Anonymous bulletin boards (optional) provide employees with a platform to share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions without revealing their identities.

These digital forums enable employees to engage in open discussions on a wide range of topics.

Try Demo


Our Pricing

We offer free and paid plans.

We believe that every employee should feel protected when voicing their opinions. So even if your employer is NOT a TruVoice customer, employees can still send anonymous emails to their employers using our free plan.


Yearly (Save 30%)

$0 mo
$0 yr

Free Plan

  • Anonymous Emails
  • Anonymous Conversations
  • Anonymous Bulletin Boards
Choose Plan

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